Charlotte Katherine

Life has undoubtedly gotten very busy with 4 little ones running around. I haven’t been working nearly as much with so many things going on, so blogging updates don’t happen too often, but I wanted to at least get a short post in.

Yesterday Charlotte turned 1. Hard to believe a whole year has flown by since she was born. She won’t have her well check until next week when Henry has his too (he turns 3 a week from Monday). She does cruise furniture and loves to go up the stairs. She is such a sweet baby who is very laid back and easy going. She puts herself to bed most of the time for naps and bedtime. She has a ton of words and signs and loves to communicate. She loves her chickens and other animals and enjoys going outside to watch them and cluck at them. She is such a happy girl. Charlie has no teeth but loves to eat table food like it is going out of style. We are still nursing several times a day. Tonight is her birthday party with family. I will try to get some pictures up a little later this month when time allows.  As we celebrate the last of the “firsts” with Charlie Kate it is bittersweet. We love watching her celebrate her newfound skills and milestones, but know that these are the last firsts. The last first birthday. The last first tooth. We try to cherish every moment with not just her, but  each of our kids.

Henry turns 3 in a little over a week. Where has the time gone? Time can slow down any time now.

One response to “Charlotte Katherine

  • 4sampsonboys

    Thanks for the update.

    Betty says you’ll be at the banquet…..I’m looking forward to it.

    Brittany said Henry’s still having trouble with his foot. L

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